G2 ProSeals®
The Perfect Seal for Reduced Downtime & Cost Savings
As flexographic printers continue to push the boundaries with ever increasing productivity goals, they are looking to eliminate sources of downtime and waste. The ProSeals have been developed to provide the maximum seal life in the industry and to match the blade life achieved with the newest generation of SWED/CUT® doctor blades.
Market testing to date has proven our ProSeals to achieve over a week of productivity on many common flexographic presses on the market.
- Printers are achieving over 1 week and over 10 million ft of production with limited to no leaking
- ProSeals® are manufactured with superior materials in an exclusive process that provides a better seal and an extended life, up to 5 times longer than other industry standard seals
- Maximizes sealing properties for enclosed doctor blade systems and minimizes excessive pressure from doctor blade chambers
- A wide range of precision cut end seals are available for virtually any machine manufacturer and model
- Bundle up with SWED/CUT® Doctor Blades and start realizing the longer life benefits and elimination of waste
Proven Designs for Many Common Presses
We offer a wide range of precision cut end seals for flexographic printing presses, available for virtually any machine manufacturer and model including: Allstein, Aquaflex, Bobst F & K, Bonard, Comco, Comexi, Flexotechnica, FLSmidth, Harris & Bruno, Kidder, PCMC, Printco, Retroflex, Tresu, Uteco, W & D, and Windmoeller & Hoelscher (W&H).